Erasmus + Steam
The project "The S.T.E.A.M. instructional approach - A meaningful education" (S.T.E.A.M = Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics) refers to the design and implementation of an instructional approach in which all the above subjects are developed in a learning environment characterized by interaction, interdisciplinarity and active participation of students. The purpose of the project is the development of participating students’ cognitive skills and the awakening of their interest in the educational process through their involvement in activities that are close to their everyday life and to contemporary technological developments in a collaborative framework.
The project involves five schools, the Experimental High School of Mytilene of the Aegean University as Coordinating school, the Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale Alessandro Volta, the Istituto D'istruzione Superiore "Patini-Liberatore", the Colegiul Tehnic Edmond Nicolau Focsani and the Adile Mermerci Anadolu Lisesi.