Erasmus+ KA2 Education to Employment
Education to employment
The Europe 2020 strategy identifies five strategic objectives for the EU, among others employment and education. The participating schools of this partnership all in various ways face the challenges of youth unemployment and students leaving school with poor or insufficient results, and therefore wishes to launch an exchange project with these issues in focus.
The main objectives of the project is on pupils’ level to increase the pupils’ awareness of the clear connection between education and employment on an integrated European labour market, and to help the pupils to communicate their skills internationally; on staff level the project aims develop teaching methods that motivate the students to finish their education and helps students to see employment in an international perspective; on community and school level the objective is to establish and deepen contacts with actors on the local labour market and between the partner schools.
The project tasks will vary, but always be strongly connected to the project themes and designed to encourage the use of ICT and language skills. An important help in these tasks will be the Europass tool.
The project will hopefully lead to an increased awareness among students of the importance of education and the fact that the future labour market is international. Staff will be inspired to work with the project themes and to find ways to do it within the national curricula. Contacts between the partner schools and with actors of the local labour market will continue and last longer than the project itself.
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